Plucky Pakistan puts India to shame

By an indian author:

The contrast couldn’t be sharper between India and Pakistan. India is a mature, functioning democracy and an ‘emerging power’ with an independent foreign policy, whereas Pakistan is a moth-eaten country tottering on the abyss of failure as a dysfunctional state lacking in self-respect. At least, this is how Indian propaganda presents things.

Yet, hardly 72 hours passed since the Indian establishment began sensitizing the domestic opinion that it is ending all oil imports from Iran and Pakistan takes a tumultuous step toward the realization of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project.

The formal inauguration of the $7.5 billion 1500-kilometre project took place at a ceremony earlier today, which was attended by the presidents of the two countries. Clearly, whereas Indians chickened out in the face of sustained American pressure, Pakistan is thumbing the nose at Washington.

The Indian leadership decided to end the Iranian ’sweet’ crude imports despite long-term agreements because the Americans do not like the transaction. But the ‘weak’ Pakistani leadership knows what is in the country’s core interests and is determined to pursue the objective no matter what it takes.

What is all our tall claims to being a regional power worth if our leaders lack spine? The spluttering Indian economy can certainly do with the assured supplies of Iranian crude. This is particularly important because our fertilizer industry is highly subsidized and our government has pledged to do away with subsidies incrementally in its passion to cut the budget deficit.

No doubt, Pakistan too faced enormous pressure and blackmail from the US not to proceed with the Iran gas pipeline project, but the country faces acute energy shortage and decided that it makes eminent sense to import gas from next-door neighbor. Period.

Now, what can we expect in the downstream?. Let me anticipate. Only last week the US state department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said, “If this deal is finalized for a proposed Iran-Pakistan pipeline, it would raise serious concerns under our Iran Sanctions Act. We’ve made that absolutely clear to our Pakistani counterparts.”

Obviously, the US threats didn’t work. The US regulations stipulate that transactions involving gasoline or other fuels can trigger American sanctions. But to my mind, the US dares not impose any sanctions against Pakistan.

How can you sanction a country and then drop down on your knees and beg for its cooperation so that you can evacuate thousands of your troops and their equipment through Karachi Port? No, Sir, you simply can’t. One thing at a time, Sir.

And the Americans are pragmatic in such situations. So, they will come up with a face-saving formula by saying that the sanctions will be imposed in due course when Pakistan opens the tap and actually draws the gas supplied through the pipeline — and not at this stage.

Second, to be sure, Iran will now take matters one step further and redeem its pledge to build an oil refinery in Gwadar as well, which will mesh with the Chinese plans to build an ‘oil city’ in the Pakistani port (which now China manages).

Clearly, today’s ceremony commencing the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project is an event of momentous significance for the geopolitics of the region. From this point, China is just a step away from sourcing Iranian energy through pipelines via Pakistan.

By the way, today’s ceremony was held in Chah Bahar — yes, Chah Bahar, which our mandarins cite as India’s gateway to Central Asia and Afghanistan, ‘bypassing’ Pakistan. Sure thing, these Iranians and Pakistanis have a quaint sense of humor.

In the bargain, they have exposed our officials who keep bragging that India is about to get ‘connectivity’ with Central Asia (via Iran ‘bypassing’ Pakistan); and, with Russia and Eurasia through a North-South Corridor (again, via Iran ‘bypassing’ Pakistan); and is planning to make a multi-billion investment in Afghanistan to extract iron ores which will be transported to our country (yet again, via Iran ‘bypassing’ Pakistan).

Our relations with Iran being in tatters, India might as well stay put in South Asia, It has no big role in Central Asia or Afghanistan. That is the honest truth, whereas, the latest yarn being spun for the consumption of our gullible public is that India is going to get connected with Kazakhstan, of all places, and with Russia eventually via an oil pipeline.

Make no mistake about it, all that the Indian leadership is really interested in are the LNG imports from America (once Uncle Sam agrees, of course). Washington has sought a quid pro quo — if our leadership ends the crude oil imports from Iran, the US will lift the ban on LNG exports to India. But then, you might ask why it is so terribly important to import LNG from the US. Good question. It’s the shale gas, Stupid! Own a shale gas company in the US today, and you’re going to hit the jackpot. Got it?

However, sometimes I wonder whether it really could be the pressure tactic by Washington and/or our corporate lobby or whether it is also the wink from the Sunni oligarchies of the Persian Gulf, which is coaxing our government to roll back the ties with Iran. It seems a combination of all three. Don’t overlook that the Saudis have their conduit to the Indian political elites, especially in regions like Uttar Pradesh or Kerala.

But then, Pakistan is also a major Sunni Muslim country and it also has a terrific relationship with Saudi Arabia. In fact, the two countries have shared interests over many strategic issues. They have been the mentors of the Taliban.

How come Pakistani diplomacy is able to manage Islamabad’s relations with Riyadh and Teheran simultaneously? The contrast is so striking.

Malala’s first pictures

A Pakistani girl shot in the head by Taliban gunmen is “not out of the woods” but is doing well and has been able to stand for the first time, doctors at the British hospital treating her said on Friday.

Malala Yousufzai, who was shot for vocally opposing the Taliban, was flown from Pakistan to Birmingham to receive treatment after the attack earlier this month, which drew widespread international condemnation.

She has become a symbol of resistance to the Islamist group’s effort to deny women education and other rights.

Dave Rosser, medical director of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, said she was now able to write and appeared to have memory recall despite her brain injuries.

“It’s clear that she’s not out of the woods yet,” Rosser told reporters, saying she had sustained a “very, very grave injury”. But he said she was “doing very well”.

“In fact she was standing with some help for the first time this morning. She’s communicating very freely, writing,” he said.

Rosser said, however, that the teenager was not able to speak because she had undergone a tracheotomy so she could breathe through a tube in her neck, an operation that was performed because her airways had been swollen by the bullet.

Yousufzai was shot as she left school in Swat, northwest of Islamabad. The Taliban said they attacked her because she spoke out against the group and praised U.S. President Barack Obama.

The alleged organiser of the shooting was captured during a 2009 military offensive against the Taliban, but released after three months, two senior officials told Reuters.

In a detailed statement about Yousufzai’s injuries, Rosser said she had suffered fractures to the base of her skull and to the bone behind her left ear. Her left jawbone is also injured at its joint.


“Malala was shot at point blank range,” with the bullet hitting her left brow, Rosser said. But instead of penetrating skull it travelled underneath the skin, the whole length of the side of her head and into her neck.

Shock waves from the shot shattered the thinnest bone of her skull and fragments were driven into her brain.

Rosser said there was certainly physical damage to the brain but it was too early to tell whether that would affect any brain functions.

“She seems to be able to understand, she has some memory,” he said. “She’s able to stand, she’s got motor control … (but) whether there are any subtle intellectual or memory deficits down the line, it’s too early to say.”

The hospital unit is expert in dealing with complex trauma cases and has treated hundreds of soldiers wounded in Afghanistan. It has the world’s largest single-floor critical care unit for patients with gunshot wounds, burns, spinal damage and major head injuries.

Rosser said Yousufzai’s treatment is likely to include reconstructive surgery to replace the damaged skull bone.

That surgery is unlikely to be able to be carried until for several weeks or even months, he said, since she is also fighting an infection that needs to be cured first.

“She’s going to need a couple of weeks to rehabilitate, to make sure the infection is cleared up,” he said.

Bilawal loves Hina, wants to marry her

A steamy love affair between Bilawal Bhutto and foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar has been exposed!

Bilawal is said to be in deep love with Hina, who is 11 years older than him. Both of them have planned to leave Pakistan and settle in Switzerland post their union, the report said.
‘Bilawal Bhutto loves Hina, wants to marry her’

As per The Blitz, President Asif Ali Zardari is vehemently opposed to Bilawal’s keenness to enter into marital relations with Khar, who is already married and is mother of two children. Zardari fears that such a move by his son will not only jeopardize Bilawal’s political career but also cause political doom for the ruling Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).

Hina Rabbani Khar, is poised to end her marriage with millionaire businessman Firoze Gulzar, from whom she has two daughters named Annaya and Dina, the report added.

It is claimed that Bilawal and Hina had a secret affair for quite some time. It came to the knowledge of Asif Ali Zardari, when he caught the duo in a compromising situation inside the President’s house, where Bilawal also resides.  

In an effort to dissuade Hina from going ahead with the relationship, the report said, Zardari used the government machinery against the business interests of Hina’s husband, but he failed in his endeavour.

Despite Zardari’s tough stand, Bilawal is said to be adamant on going ahead with his plan to marry Hina. Bilawal has even threatened to resign as President of PPP.

Bilawal told his father that he would settle in Switzerland with his lady love and her daughters, though later he even told his father that, Hina might leave her daughters with her husband after the divorce.

Quran disrespected in resident evil 5 game

You can Clearly See That  *QURAN* was thrown on to the ground.

Im really sick of these things now. People can argue, that it aint quran, but come on…… the intention is clear!

Please be careful in what you play and what you do.

Calling on Super Sahib

I will always love Superman: he fights for peace, justice, and the American (err… Pakistani?) way. I think he embodies all that we wish for in today’s corruption- and violence-ridden world. He is that rare individual who is unflappably decent (severe lack of grey moral areas), courageous (well not really, given that next to nothing can hurt him), and unstoppably awesome (like an earthquake, tsunami, or other national disaster).

But given the wave of anti-Americanism sweeping Pakistan, I think it’s time we coined a realistic desi Superman. What would he be like? What qualities would he embody? What would he look like? And what would he spend his time doing?

For starters, he would not want to be called Superman – he’s a Pakistani, dammit! He would have the option of being Super seth or Super saeen, but would probably opt for Super Sahib.

Moreover, he would be fat. I’m sorry, but if you have the ability to fly or float, you’re not going to spend a lot of time running, working out, or even walking for that matter. And let’s get real – cardio burns fat; natural floating buoyancy doesn’t.

Since Super Sahib would have a pot belly rivaling the entire consolidated Sharif clan, there is no way he would prance around in physique-hugging tights. Instead, the man would dress for comfort and rock out in a shalwar kameez – they are darn comfortable, after all.

Do you honestly think the most powerful being in this country would roam around in tights and wear his underwear on the outside? Let’s get real. He doesn’t need to prove anything or impress anyone! He’s Super Sahib. Besides, his desi Super Mummy would cry a river if he dressed like the spokesperson for the Gay Pride Parade.

In the fine tradition of chairmen, politicians, and mill owners, Super Sahib would probably wear a plain white shalwar kameez in the finest available latha. But given his stature, he’d probably have at least a few sponsors – Pepsi, McDonalds, etc. And when the likes of Shahid Afridi come to whack him for siphoning off their sponsorships, he’ll simply fly away.

Super Sahib’s favorite pastimes would include chilling on his farm in Chak Shehzad on a La-Z-Boy with multiple cup-holders, drinking sweet lassi, and watching his crops grow while the damsel in distress he just saved cooks vats of biryani and nihari for him.

Super Sahib won’t disguise himself or pass as a lame, non-descript news reporter; he’d be Super Sahib all the time and occasionally work as a ‘consultant’, charging fees that would make even Pakistani politicians look reasonable. Forget the superpower – Super Sahib will give us hydro-electric projects, drone technology, and economic development in a matter of minutes.

In keeping with Pakistanis’ reputation for philanthropy, Super Sahib would be extremely charitable. In addition to attending all the charity balls, fund-raisers, fashion shows, and flower shows that he is invited to, Super Sahib will donate (read: sell) all his toenail clippings for cancer research. He will regularly show off his sensitive side by crying when Pakistan loses a cricket match, or when Sania Saeed or Nadia Jamil appear in a televised drama serial.

The fact is, we are a country that yearns for the help of supermen and their superpowers, because we refuse to do anything for ourselves. Our hearts, minds, and our history are filled with different supermen (the only problem is, we can’t seem to agree on who the real superman or superpower at any given time was). And so it is that we await, with bated breath, the coming of Super Sahib, who will (inshallah) fix all our nation’s problems.

Ramadan on july 21st

An astronomer in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has forecast the dates for the beginning of the Muslim holy month of fasting and for the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr.

Ramadan may start July 21 and Eid-ul-Fitr would be Aug 19.He said the birth of the crescent moon will be July 19. Sighting of the crescent would be impossible on that night, but it would be visible the next evening. Therefore, the following day would be the first day of Ramadan.


Who is Sonia Gandhi:

There is officially no Sonia Gandhi. Her real name in passport is neither Gandhi nor Sonia. Its Edvige Antonia Albina Maino. Sonia is a Russian name and not italian. However, Antonia is an italian name and her passport is italian. Though she has married Rajiv Gandhi she never accepted change of title officially. ( recall the time of turmoil in indian politics when Sonia Gandhi was trying to be the prime minister, but ultimately ManMohan Singh became her toy)

Rajiv Gandhi: Actually Rajiv Khan being the son of Firoz Khan and Indira Priyadarshani. Gandhi is an assumed title to sentimentally lure indians for their political benefit. They are muslims by religion.

Stefano Eugene Maino is socially the father of Sonia. Her father was a German. When Hitlers army went to russia they were captured and imprisoned. He was captured near St. Petersburgh and was imprisoned for 20 years. But he became a member of KGB and his imprisonment was limited to 4 years. When he came back from prison he gave russian name to his daughters. Social father because when she was born her father was in jail for 4 years. Biological father is unconfirmed.

Paula Maino.

She had 2 sistersin Orbassano, italy

Sonia claims she was born in Besano, near Turin in italy. However, as per her birth certificate, She is actually born is Luciana, in the borders of Switzerland. A resort town for German soldiers during war.

She initially put forward to Indian Govt. that she studied in Cambridge University which proved to be fake. She submitted an affidavit that she studied english in Bell Education trust at Cambridge. Even this was proven to be fake and was found she never got any education after class five. She was a young girl with no formal education living five years in england. How did she support her livelihood for 5 years? Any wild guesses?

She has not given off her italian citizenship. Indira Gandhi used her power to issue her an Indian Citizenship so that she can join Indian politics. She is holding an illegal citizenship in India. No action is being taken by Home Minister.


Bank Balance:
Rajiv Gandhi and his family owned 2 billion USD in Swiss Bank as of November,1991. Benefitiary of death of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi was Sonia Gandhi.

Sonia’s sister Alexandria(or Anuska) has 2 shops in Italy selling antiques stolen from India. Sonia used her power to smuggle indian artifacts through Air India flights uninspected. Sonia’s son Rahul Gandhi, whose real name is Raul Vinci. He got admitted to Harvard in quota but was thrown off soon because he was incompetant. He has italian citizenship since his mother never gave up her citizenship. He cannot officially become the citizen of india or any politician in india as long as he doesnt give up his italian citizenship. Arrested in Boston airport for carrying 160,000 dollars cash, accompanied by Veronique (spanish). veronique is the daughter of Drug mafia leader. Rahul has also been accused for gang raping Sukanya Devi, whose petition to all courts in India have been rejected due to their political hold and the whereabouts of the family is unknown. However, the information is widely available online.

Imran khan

I am hoping imran khan will win next time. Aren’t you sick of PPP and nawaz sharif? Welll… too

About his drinking….. i don’t know what to say…..It aint by no means a shocker, actually i knew but just for fun

Eid Al-Adha will be on Nov 6

The crescent of Dhu al-Hijja will appear on Wednesday, 28th of Dhu al-Qa’ada (October 26) at 10:56 pm, making the first day of Eid Al-Adha on November 6.

 The crescent will not appear in Kuwait, while it will be seen west of the Arab World. Waqfat Arafat will be on Saturday, November 5 and Eid Al-Adha will be on Sunday, November 6.